Crocheter lifestyle
Crocheters come in all shapes and sizes, races and religions, ages and genders. Despite that rich and wonderful diversity of experience, our shared love of the craft brings us many overlapping experiences, too. Crocheter Lifestyle is the place Freddy and Goat let our metaphorical hair down and talk about #thatcrocheterlife. Whether that means sharing our murder podcasts playlists or giving a soliloquy on the existential crisis we may have had while frogging, you’ll find the down and dirty of a crocheter’s life here.
We’d love to hear about from you about the knitty gritty (<– yarn craft pun) of your crocheter life experience too, so don’t hesitate to drop us a line!

Adios #Hooktober and #texaschainstitchmassacre
We have officially closed out the hands-down-best month of the year – #hooktober – and even somehow managed to survive our instagram challenge...
Best Halloween Movies to Watch While Crocheting
Multitasking: Sure, why not, I can do everything while crocheting. It has been a couple months since we started preparing for our favorite season,...
Free Halloween(ie) Crochet Pattern
Halloween(ie) and #Hooktober | The black magic of being overly ambitious We LOVE fall. As soon as spring comes around, we start counting down the...
Murder She Hooked – A podcast guide for crocheters
Confession time: I am addicted to audiobooks and podcasts. I mean it. I am ALWAYS listening to something. I have been a big fan of other people...