Color+Yarn: Help for picking yarn colors
(And other color-related conundrums…)
WE LOVE COLOR! We revel in bright, bold, succulent colors and subtle, gentle, soothing colors. We thrill to scalding neons, luscious jewel tones, and nuturing earthy ochres. We love colors. And they all have a place in crochet, but not everyone feels confident in their ability to pair color or choose the right colors for the job.
Our resident graphic designer (and Creative Director) is here to save the day. Join Goat as she takes you step by step through basic color theory to help you make the most of the glorious and gorgeous yarns in your collection. Learn why certain colors just ZING next to each other and why different colors impact our moods and energy levels differently.
Color theory is a vast and fascinating topic and who know just where it will take us when we dive in. We hope you join us in our exploration, and feel free to suggest a topic or ask a question by commenting on any of the blog posts or emailing us directly at [email protected]. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Yarn Color Combinations – The Value of Color.
Hi All! Welcome back and happy New Year! Today I want to continue with our beginner’s guide on how to choose yarn color combinations. If you are...
Rainbow Color Palette for Yarn Work
USING ROYGBIV (& who said that's easy to pronounce?) Remember when we were kids and wanted everything in a rainbow color palette? Oh! Those...
The Color Wheel & Yarn Make for a Colorful Beginning
Hi All! Welcome to my new Blog, Color+Yarn. I want to talk about the color wheel and yarn. Honestly, I am very excited to talk about this with you...