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Crochet 101: The Basics of Crochet


Are you just getting started with crochet? Have you been crocheting for years but amigurumi still makes you nervous? No worries—we got you! Freddy will hold your hand through learning the basic stitches and techniques of amigurumi crochet!

We know that tackling a new craft or skill can be overwhelming, so we are breaking these down into bite-size pieces for you. Week 1 starts with the most basic crochet stitches. From there we will delve deeper into the techniques we use most in amigurumi making.

Since we all learn a little differently, these how-tos incorporate written, pictorial, and video instructions. Still struggling with something? You are always welcome to get in touch directly through the comments or by emailing us at [email protected].

Just think of all the fantastic amis coming your way!


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